Unwrap the Gift of Awareness
Oooo la la. There’s a lot of big and juicy things happening in the sky over the next few months. Let’s take a closer look at whats happening and what to expect so we may unwrap the gift of awareness and make the best of this holiday season.
I lead with a heads up for Mercury retrograde as that’s something most have a familiarity of for the most part. And yay! We have over 6 weeks until it’s here which is a good chunk of time to grind if we choose to do so. Most of what I read about this phenomenon online or the memes shared make it seem like this daunting circumstance in which we are powerless. Well, I’d like to change that- cause that’s not true. All it takes is a little understanding and patience. As does life, no?
If you’re not familiar with the concept- Mercury retrograde can be an annoying energy flow which comes in 3 week spurts and happens 3-4 times a year. It’s associated with delays, frustrations, miscommunication, and tech glitches; however, it’s actually a great time to turn inward, reflect, and reset. Which is the whole point. Mercury rules perception, speech, thought, mental processes, travel, communication, connectivity. And a couple times of year it simply needs to slow down for a reset, as we all do.
It seems like our friend, Merc, may have had a year like I did- because he’s not even going to stick around for Turkey dinner this year. Instead, Mercury is sailing retrograde two days before Thanksgiving, on November 26th. Our best strategy is to pack some extra patience and allow extra time if we’re traveling, double check those lists and recipes, and find a way to just laugh and make the best of it if things don’t go as perfectly planned. If things do flop, we can chuckle together in spirit and say “oh, Merc”, instead of flailing in despair which is what I have finally learned to do myself. Truly, our mindsets in navigating any frustration will give us the smoothest sailing during this time period. Grinding out as much December holiday shopping and planning before the 26th is a great idea too (wink wink), as Mercury will not be direct again until December 15th.
Ok- holidays aside, we have stuff at lot more significant than another mercury retrograde we’ve experienced a thousand times at play here soon. I’m talking the life transformation, once in a lifetime type stuff. These influences do not present in your acute awareness like a mercury, mars, or venus retrograde will. They work slower and are more profound, and have the power to shift us on the deepest levels in our core. It’s the kind of character building events that may or may not be super prominent in the moment, but then you reflect back 6 months or however much later and say, Wow. Look how far I’ve come, look at where I’ve been, and look at who I’ve become. We have 4 really powerful key players that are getting ready to make some serious shifts in the near future. We’ll highlight two here and save the rest to discuss later.
Pluto, one of deepest transformational energies of all, has been in retrograde since May, where it just recently entered Capricorn in September for its last dance with the sea goat in our lifetimes. Pluto can often have a bad wrap, because it’s so powerful, can be dark, and has no hesitation to plunge to the deepest depths that not everyone is comfortable with going. However, if we can humbly face ourselves with honesty, without judgement, and have the courage to peel away at the layers of our deep subconscious- the rewards are great and the journey easier to navigate.
Pluto will station and be sensed as a standstill in the sky at Capricorn 29°38 for 10 days from October 10 through the October 17, then will finally move forward heading off into Aquarius in synchronistic harmony with the October 17th Aires full moon. While Pluto is stationed, potentiality of transformational energy will concentrate, and we’ll be given that period for final reflections and the opportunity to realize what business needs to be concluded before moving forward on to our new path of personal transformation. Pluto will never be in Capricorn again in our lifetimes, so this is serious shedding that is going to affect many of us on a global scale.
The energy of expansion and abundance, our lucky Jupiter, is going to station and then go retrograde on October 10th. It has been in the sign of Gemini since May 26th and since then the abundance has been focused on social expansion, communication, learning new skills and expanding our interests, all in an outward expression in the area that it falls in each’s chart. Gemini is that fun eternal youth, chatter chatter jibber jabber, this lighthearted movement of energy and spreading of information, experiencing just to experience. It is also associated with logic and analytics, even technology. When it goes retrograde there will be more of a deeper, reflective, introspective shift. As our playful excitement for adventure and curiosity evolves into a quest for guidance and answers, our biggest challenge will be to try to avoid the internal wrestling of logic and beliefs.
Regardless of all these paradoxes- wherever Gemini is in your chart you’re going to get an extra blast of this lucky energy a second time, and then a third, when it goes direct again. I’m going to follow my own guidance for once and not question any gifts I may be given. I’ll take every ounce of positivity I can get!