October 2nd Brings the Final Eclipse of 2024
Many of us have likely had dramatic personal growth through the events of the last year and a half and specifically through the understanding of self and other and how we function in relationship. Here, with the eclipse on October 2nd, we have a chance to reflect on how far we have come, and to recognize and celebrate the new “me” or the new “we” in realizing just how much as transpired in our personal lives over this time period.
Personally, I find comfort in this eclipse as opposed to the others we have been through were we may have had a serious and unexpected jolt to our reality. Friendships may have changed, work dynamics, love relationships, family, all of it applies and it unlikely that anyone was unaffected as this is something that affects us all as humans in some way or another. The home coming is- we are finally wrapping up this lesson and we are going to move forward in a whole new way. With a greater understanding of what we need for ourselves and what we truly desire.
There’s no hiding from it, if something was meant to come to the surface it did or it will, even if we we have been in denial of it ourselves. That’s the beauty of the illumination of an eclipses series, it’s going to put you on the path you were meant to be on. Even if you can’t see it in the moment, you’ll look back one day and see why these changes were so positive in the long run of your life course.
This is the second to last push of this eclipse series with the upcoming Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 10 degrees Libra and then the last 6 months later on March 29, 2025 at 9 degrees Aires. If you have a lot of Aires or Libra in your chart, especially at 9-10 degrees, or if you have a pre or post natal eclipse during 1952, 1970, 1988, or 2006, the events and experiences you have endured are going to be particularly life changing for you. But this truly applies to us all, regardless of where it falls in your chart, as relationships are such a vital part of the human experience and at the utmost importance of what we value in our lives.
The energy of this week supports us in offering aid and assistance for healing and resolving any residual wounding we may have from the hesitation of the pure expression of ourselves, our emotional state, and our ability to be accepted for who we are. It gives us the ability to finally be ok if we have felt like an outsider at times; as long as we are aligned with truth telling, right action, and right relationship. There will be a real calling to be honest with ourselves if we have been on the fence thus far and unable to do so.
We have the opportunity to see how the balancing of above either enables our active will or inhibits it, and have the chance to flip the script if needed. There is a strong stabilizing energy to enhance our self confidence and overcome any subconscious fears, powered by good reasoning power and the ability to control of our will so that we may transform ourselves and our relationship patterns. Ultimately this is our chance to integrate a fully explored and felt renewed confidence in relationships rooted in harmony and mutual understanding.
While it doesn’t always make going through the necessary changes any easier, it has always helped me to understand WHY. Sometimes you know deep down you need to do something but you just can’t. But don’t worry- because the universe always has your back. It will never give you something that you can’t handle and whatever it does give you is in the highest alignment for you to have the life that you truly desire and deserve.
Here are some tips to successfully navigate this transition:
Take stock in where you are now and where you were back in April of 2023, and then take a moment to reflect on that and appreciate all that you have gone through.
What has changed in your life? Who are you now versus who were you before? What relationships have maintained, dissolved, or evolved into something new?
Ask yourself, if you have been true to your inner urgings and what you really desire, or is there something that still feels out of balance? If so, the opportunity is still there to pivot that energy to your benefit.
Take a moment to reflect on if any personal understanding of relationship dynamics or ways that you believe you should act in relationship has held you back from taking action towards living a life that would be more fulfilling for you.
Evaluate the motives of your need to fit in with societal expectations and how it influences your actions versus your need to do what you truly believe is the right thing for you in your core.
Celebrate yourself and find a way to see the blessings in any life changes you may have had. Even if you don’t believe it now, challenge yourself to have faith that whatever has transpired is aligning you with the exact path you are meant to be on.
No matter what, remember we are all on this journey together, and you are always supported. ♡